How to reach Param Guru Ashram

One can reach ashram via Buxar or Varanasi

From :: Railway Station:: Buxar::

      From the railway station to Ashram around 100km away.

      Aproximate travel time is 2.5hrs to 3.5hrs depnding upon mode of travel.

      Reserve taxi may charge Rs.600/- to Rs.700/- to Ashram.

      Other mode of travel is shared vehicle from Ganga over bridge, Buxar to Muhammadabad.

      From Muhammadabad to Kasimabad by Bus. Approximate fare Rs.50/-.

From :: Railway Station:: Mugal Sarai::

      Approximate distance from Railway Station to Ashram is 120km.

      Approximate travel time is around 3.5 hours.

      Bus service are avilable from Varanasi . Approximate bus fare Rs.50/-

      Reserved vehicle from Mugal Sarai varies from Rs.700/- to Rs.1200/- (i.e. TATA indica to TATA Sumo)

      Approximate Auto fare from Mugal Sarai to Varanasi is Rs.125/-

      There are share vehicle, bus service available to varanasi.

From :: Railway Station:: Varanasi::

      Approximate distance from railway station to Ashram is 100km.

      Reserved taxi may cost Rs.600/- and more.

      Bus servuice available from Kachari, Varanasi & Hajipur to Kasimabad.

   Another bus service avilabe from Lanka, Varanasi to Kasimabad. Direct bus fare from Lanka,varanasi to        Kasimabad id approximate Rs.50/-. Bus travel on hourly basis.

For Any Query, please call :: Chinangshu Deb Roy : (m) 9954006428 / 7578001990